8 Types of Hearing Tests

You’ve made that step to schedule an appointment with an Audiologist  Austin Tx to learn more about your own hearing health. Good for you!  Before you go, it may be helpful to know what to expect during the exam.

There are numerous types of evaluations that your audiologist may choose to perform. The following are eight common types of hearing loss tests which may be considered. Your audiologist will probably not conduct all of these tests, he or she will determine which method is most appropriate for you.

1. Audiometry

In an audiometry test, your hearing is measured using a range of frequencies, from low to high. The researchers reported that these frequencies typically range from 250 to 8,000 Hz. This can help determine which frequencies you hear at best.

2. Tympanometry

To  measure your middle ear function, a tympanometry test evaluates the stiffness of your eardrum. This type of test can help providers to diagnose a variety of issues, including fluid in the middle ear, negative middle ear pressure, disruption of the ossicles, tympanic membrane perforation, and otosclerosis.”

3. Pure-Tone Testing

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association describes pure-tone testing as a “pure-tone air conduction Hearing Test Austin Tx that determines the faintest tones a person can hear at selected frequencies, from low to high.” Sound is introduced through headphones and readings are taken for each ear. You will typically be asked to respond in some way, such as pressing a button when you hear a certain tone.

4. Speech Testing

To help confirm the results from the pure-tone test, your Audiologist Austin might perform speech testing. In this evaluation, your provider will test your ability to hear and repeat back words at different sound thresholds. Sometimes these tests are performed in noisy environments because many people with hearing loss have trouble hearing conversations when there are sounds in the background. The results are a good indicator of whether or not a person will benefit from the use of a hearing aid or other assistive listening device.


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