Are Hearing Aids In Fort Wayne Waterproof?

Before giving an answer to this question, it’s important to first clarify the difference between waterproof and water-resistant.

While many people use these terms interchangeably, the reality is they mean very different things. Accidentally mistaking –resistant for –proof could mean a visit to the Audiologist Fort Wayne Indiana much sooner than anticipated.

So how do these two terms differ, and what does this mean for your hearing recovery? To put it simply, waterproof hearing aids could be submerged in water without damaging the electronics, while water-resistant aids cannot.

Audiologist Fort Wayne Indiana

Water-resistant hearing aids

Water-resistant or water-repellent refers to an item made to create a hindrance against penetration by water. Note that this is not a guarantee that water will not eventually seep in. With regards to hearing aids, this means that they have some sort of protective coating or sealant that protects them against casual contact with moisture, at least for short amounts of time.

However, it does not mean that their delicate inner workings won’t eventually be damaged by moisture due to long-term exposure to humidity or dampness without being dried out regularly with a dehumidifier.

Waterproof hearing aids

Accidents happen—almost everybody knows someone who has spilled coffee on their keyboard at work or jumped into a pool with their cellphone. Others would like to hear clearly while in a swimming pool.

Audiologist Fort Wayne Indiana

Unfortunately, while there was a truly waterproof hearing aid option available for several years, it is now off the market. As of this writing, no other manufacturer has produced an equivalent product, so there aren’t any truly waterproof Hearing Aids In Fort Wayne available. Perhaps there will be again if demand is ever high enough.

How to avoid water damage

Moisture exposure is still one of the most common—and avoidable—reasons for hearing aids malfunctioning earlier than expected. Given the amazing technology that is built into every pair of these medical devices, it seems ironic that they could be permanently damaged by nothing more than a dip in the water.

While all of our electronic devices would be waterproof in an ideal world, the truth is Hearing Aids In Fort Wayne must be kept as dry as possible to work at optimal levels. With these easy steps, you can prevent water from damaging your hearing aids and save yourself from having to purchase a new pair sooner than is necessary.


Audiologist Fort Wayne Indiana


  1. The blog post "Are Hearing Aids in Fort Wayne Affordable?" raises a crucial question for anyone in need of hearing aids. The author provides insightful information on the cost of hearing aids and the factors that affect their prices. They also give a few options for individuals who cannot afford expensive hearing aids, such as seeking assistance from non-profit organizations or insurance providers. Overall, this blog post is a helpful resource for anyone who is considering purchasing hearing aids in Fort Wayne. It highlights the importance of finding a reputable audiologist and understanding the various options available to make hearing aids more affordable. I also remember that the Hearing Aid Shops In Chennai also provides a professional service similar to this.


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